Cambridge Courses
Cambridge Courses
Cambridge English Language Assessment is part of the University of Cambridge and has been providing English language assessments and qualifications for over 100 years. Cambridge English exams are taken by over 5 million people each year.
The organisation contributed to the development of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) and its examinations are aligned with the CEFR levels.
The quality of Cambridge English exams and the positive impact they have depends on the work of thousands of professionals. They include 2,800 authorized examination centers, over 52,000 registered preparation centers and tens of thousands of examiners, teachers and publishers around the world.
Globally Accepted Exams and Teaching Qualifications
Cambridge English exams are recognized by over 20,000 universities, employers and governments around the world. Our English language tests can open doors to higher education, improve employment opportunities, and because they are globally recognized, can increase your choices for study or work.

The Global Educator brings Cambridge English Language Qualifications Programme to enhance English language skills of reading, listening, writing and speaking at an international level. Cambridge examinations aim to present a positive first impression of International level.
Cambridge Exams are based on the premise that learning English while young gives children an advantage that stays with them all their lives.
After completing YLE. children can aim for further qualifications such as KET (Key English Test), PET (Preliminary English Test), FCE (First Certificate in English), CAE (Certificate in Advanced English) Choice of the exam and Eligibility of the students for participation in Exams.
MOVERS Starters, Movers and Flyers- for children between the ages of 7 to 12
2.KEY English Test (KET): This exams is suitable for classes 6- 7
Key English Test (KET) for schools have been particularly targeted at the interests and experience of school pupils.
KET for schools suitable for classes VI to VII
In order to achieve passing grade KET for Schools candidates need to score at least 70 % of the total marks. The maximum scores are 100
3.Preliminary English Test (PET): This exams is suitable for classes 7-9
Is the second level of the Cambridge Main suite examinations.
Preliminary English Test (PET) for Schools have been particularly targeted at the interests and experience of school pupils.
It tests written and spoken language at an intermediate level in work, study and social situations. PET has three papers- Reading and Writing, Listening and Speaking.
Cambridge English: Preliminary for Schools PET suitable for classes VII to IX
In order to achieve passing grade PET for schools candidates need to score at least 70% of the total marks. The maximum score are 100.
4.FCE: First Certificate in English: This exams is suitable for classes 9- 11
Test Focus: General English
Test Areas: Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing
ELTIS Training: This 20 hours well-designed training programme, will focus on all 4 language skills and will deal with general proficiency enhancement,
It will be followed by a mock test.
5.BEC: Business English Certificate Examination
Are you a working professional / employee?
Are you a student of Management / Engineering/ IT/ Science or Commerce ?
A student of any other professional course, such as Law, Architecture ?
Then, go for BEC !!!
6.Teaching Knowledge Test (TKT):
Focuses on the teaching knowledge needed by teachers of primary, secondary or adult learners of English, anywhere in the world.
Increases your confidence and enhances your job prospects.
Has three modules: Background to language teaching, planning for language teaching, classroom management.
7.Fee structure
Preparation course tuition fee structure, contact TGE off.
8.Workshop Schedule
the weekdays or weekend classes contact TGE off.
9. Admission process:
Visit global educators office or call obtain application form by paying Rs. 100/-.
10.Exams fee
cheque /cash
11.How to apply
visit our centre to submit Application form along with the cheque/cash of the requested amount of fee payable in the name of “THE GLOBAL EDUCATORS”